Life IGIC project aims at the development of Green Infrastructure and supportive sustainable farming methods in olive orchards in Messara, Crete, an area surrounded by Natura 2000 sites and of great cultural, nature and agricultural value. Main objectives, biodiversity conservation, agroecosystem services enhancement and reconnection of existing nature areas.
green infrastructure
olive grove
News & Activities
Oral presentation at the “4th International Entomophagous Insects Conference” on the potential of natural pest management of olive fly by improving parasitoids efficiency
Life IGIC participated in the 7th International Entomophagous Insects Conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina between 17-21 April 2023. An oral presentation entitled “Infochemicals play
LIFE IGIC at the 4th ESP Europe Conference
Life IGIC participated at the 4th ESP Europe Conference, held in Heraklion, Greece, 10-14 October 2022. Two oral presentations with the titles “Improving ecosystem services,
LIFE IGIC at the 15th International Congress ICZEGAR
Life IGIC project was presented at the 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions held in Mytilene, Greece, 23-27
The project LIFE IGIC – Improvement of Green Infrastructure in agroecosystems: reconnecting natural areas by countering habitat fragmentation – LIFE16 NAT/GR/000575 is being implemented with the contribution of the LIFE Programme of the European Union. Also, the project is being implemented with the contribution of the Green Fund.